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Beaugrand, Jean

1. Dates
Born: Paris (?), ca. 1595
Died: Paris (?), ca. 22 Dec. 1640
Dateinfo: Both Dates Uncertain
Lifespan: 45
2. Father
Occupation: No Information
No information on financial status.
3. Nationality
Birth: Paris (?), France
Career: France
Death: Paris(?), France
4. Education
Schooling: No University
Studied under Viète.
5. Religion
Affiliation: Catholic (assumed)
6. Scientific Disciplines
Primary: Mathematics, Astronomy
Published Geostatique in 1636. He published on mathematics, and he observed astronomical events such as eclipses.
7. Means of Support
Primary: Patronage
He became mathematician to Gaston of Orleans in 1630.
8. Patronage
Type: Court Official
Gaston of Orleans, see above.
9. Technological Involvement
Types: None
10. Scientific Societies
Memberships: None
He was an early friend of Fermat and Etienne Despagnet, later of Mersenne and his circle.
He was an official Paris correspondent to Fermat.
Friendship and correpondence with Castelli, Galileo, and Hobbes.
  1. P.Humbert," Les Astronmers francais de 1610 a 1667," Société d'études scientifiques et archeéologiques de Draguignan, Memoires, 63 (1942), pp.1-72.
  2. Little in known about Beaugrand. There are few manuscripts and letters and no records.
  3. Not in Nouvelle biographie générale.
  4. Not in Dictionnaire de biographie française.
  5. References to Beaugrand are scatted throughout the standard eds of the correspondence of Fermat (P.Tannery and C. Henry, eds, Paris 1891-1912; (QA3.F3) Supp. vol., Waard, ed., Paris, 1922), Descartes (Adam And P.Tannery eds., Paris, 1897-1913, (B1833.T16)), and Mersenne (Marie Tannery, ed., Paris, 1933, (BX4705.M53.A3), v.1-3).
Compiled by:
Richard S. Westfall
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Indiana University

Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on geneological questions.

©1995 Al Van Helden
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