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Hartmann, Georg

1. Dates
Born: Eggolsheim, near Forchheim, Germany, 9 Feb 1489
Died: Nuremberg, 9 Apr 1564
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
Lifespan: 75
2. Father
Occupation: Unknown
No information on financial status.
3. Nationality
Birth: Eggolsheim, near Forchheim, Germany
Career: Nuremberg, Germany
Death: Nuremberg, Germany
4. Education
Schooling: Cologne
1510, university of Cologne, studying theology, and mathematics under Heinrich Glareanus.
Afterwards he went to Italy, particularly Rome, to study. He was there as late as the summer of 1518.
I find no mention of a B.A.
5. Religion
Affiliation: Catholic, Lutheran
The N.d.B. lists him as "evangelisch." Obviously he had first to be Catholic.
6. Scientific Disciplines
Primary: Int;
Subordinate: Magnetism, Mathematics
7. Means of Support
Primary: Instruments, Church Life
He settled in Nuremberg in 1518, where he designed and produced timepieces, astrolabes, globes, quadrants, armillary spheres, a star altimeter, and a calibre gauge.
1518-1544, he was also vicar of St. Sebaldus, Nuremberg.
From 1522, he had the prebend of the Walburgkapelle.
1527, he became chaplain of St. Moritz.
8. Patronage
Types: Court Official, Aristrocrat, Eccesiastic Official
He corresponded with Duke Albrecht of Prussia (1541-1544) and made instruments for him. Albrecht overpaid him 60 gulden for an instrument, Hartmann promised to make him a sundial for the 60 gulden surplus, and this initiated their correspondence. In their correspondence, Hartmann mentioned visits from King Ferdinand, and the apostolic envoy and the Venetian orarier, who commissioned various pieces.
He also had commissions from King Ferdinand of Bohemia and Hungary, who invited him to visit three times. Ferdinand gave him a cup worth 43 gulden once, and another cup worth 60 gulden six years later. Hartmann also received commissions from Ferdinand's consort.
He corresponded with, and received commissions from, Duke Ottheinrich, who sent him a 1517 box wood sundial and a commission for two ivory sundials, a brass astrolabe, and a brass armillary sphere.
He also corresponded with, and received commissions from Melanchton.
With a goldsmith, probably Hans or Elias Lenker, he produced a "Instrumentenkaestchin" for Duke Emanuel Philibert of Savoy, the cousin of Emperor Charles V.
9. Technological Involvement
Type: Int
Of course, he supported himself as an instrument maker.
10. Scientific Societies
Memberships: None
  1. Ernst Zinner, Deutsch und niederlaendische astronomische Instrumente des 11.-18. Jahrhunderts (Munich: C.H. Beck, 1956), 357-368. [QB85.Z78 1967] J.G. Doppelmayr, Historisches Nachricht von den Nuernbergischen Mathematicis und Kunstlern (Nuremberg, 1730), 56-58.
  2. [Microprint Q111.L2 no.D174]
  3. Adolf Wibner, N.d.B., 7:742b.
  4. Note: Zinner contains good patronage details.
Compiled by:
Richard S. Westfall
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Indiana University

Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on geneological questions.

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