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Massa, Niccolo

1. Dates
Born: Venice, 1485
Died: Venice, 27 August 1569
Dateinfo: Dates Certain
Lifespan: 84
2. Father
Occupation: No Information
No information on financial status.
3. Nationality
Birth: Italian
Career: Italian
Death: Italian
4. Education
Schooling: Padua, M.D.
He studied medicine and graduated with an M.D. from the University of Padua. I assume a B.A. or its equivalent.
5. Religion
Affiliation: Catholic
He was buried in S. Domenico di Castello.
6. Scientific Disciplines
Primary: Anatomy, Medicine
He undertook a program of dissection and investigation of the human body at least from 1526 to 1533, producing a treatise entitled Liber introductorius anatomiae (Venice, 1536), which remained the best brief textbook on the subject for a generation.
He also wrote on pestilential fevers, on syphilis, and on medicine in general.
7. Means of Support
Primary: Medicine
He practiced medicine in Venice, where he was known chiefly as a clinician and syphilologist.
8. Patronage
Type: None
9. Technological Involvement
Type: Medical Practice
10. Scientific Societies
Membership: Medical College
He entered the Venetian College of Physicians in 1521.
  1. Luigi Nardo, "Dell'anatomia in Venezia," Ateneo Veneto, fasc. 2-3 (1897).
  2. S. de Renzi, Storia della medicina in Italia, 5 vols. (Naples, 1845-8), 3, 155-6. R517. R424 Dezeimeris, J.E. Ollivier and Raige-Delorme, Dictionnaire historique de la médecine ancienne et moderne, 4 vols. (Paris, 1828-39), 3, 536-7. The names, without first names or initials except for Ollivier, appear this way on volume 1; Dezeimeris alone appears on the remaining volumes.
  3. G. Tiraboschi, Storia della letteratura italiana, 7, 621.
  4. Giacomo Alberici, Catologo breve de gl'illustri e famosi scrittori venetiani, (Bologna, 1605), p. 66.
Compiled by:
Richard S. Westfall
Department of History and Philosophy of Science
Indiana University

Note: the creators of the Galileo Project and this catalogue cannot answer email on geneological questions.

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