Morin, Jean-Baptiste
- 1. Dates
- Born: Villefranche, Beaujolais, 23 Feb 1583
- Died: Paris, 6 Nov 1656
- Dateinfo: Dates Certain
- Lifespan: 73
- 2. Father
- Occupation: No Information
- No information on financial status.
- 3. Nationality
- Birth: Villefranche, Beaujolais, France
- Career: France
- Death: Paris, France
- 4. Education
- Schooling: Avignon, M.D.
- 1609, studying philosophy at Aix. I assume B.A.
- 1611, studying medicine at Avignon. 1613, received the M.D.
- 5. Religion
- Affiliation: Catholic : Catholic (assumed)
- 6. Scientific Disciplines
- Primary: Medicine, Astronomy, Astrology
- 7. Means of Support
- Primary: Patronage, Academia, Astrology
- 1613-1621, supported by the Bishop of Boulogne, who sent him on a long trip to Germany, Hungary, and Transylvania, to visit mines and study metals, and made use of his astrological predictions.
- 1621-1629, supported by the Duke of Luxembourg.
- 1630-1656, professor of mathematics at the College Royal.
- Judicial astrology provided him with an income of 4000 livres/year.
- 8. Patronage
- Types: Aristrocrat, Eccesiastic Official, Government Official, Court Official
- The Bishop of Boulogne, and the Duke of Luxembourg were his major patrons.
- 1629, Morin turned down an offer of patronage from Marhsall d'Essiat.
- In addition, Cardinal Richelieu and Cardinal Mazarin consulted with him. Cardinal Mazarin gave him an annual pension of 2000 livres.
- The printing of Astrologia gallica (The Hague, 1661) was paid for by Louise-Marie de Gonzaga, Queen of Poland.
- Unknown influential people probably got him the post at the College Royal.
- 9. Technological Involvement
- Types: Navigation, Instruments
- Perhaps he practiced medicine while supported by the Bishop and the Duke. I confess to extreme skepticism on this, however; I'll bet a month's salary it was the astrology.
- Morin developed a method to determine longitude based on the moon. Because of the primitive state of lunar theory then, the method was impractical.
- He proposed the replacement of pinnules with telescopes on astronomical instruments.
- 10. Scientific Societies
- Memberships: None
- Sources
- J.P. Niceron, M�moires pour servir a l'histoire des hommes illustres..., 3 (Paris, 1729), 86-102. [Lilly Z1010.N5 v.3]
- L. Moreri, Le grande dictionnaire historique..., 6 (18th ed.; Amsterdam, 1740), 456. [D9.M8]
- Robert McKeon, "Les d�buts de l'astronomie de precision," Physis, 13 (1971), 225-88; 14 (1972), 221-42; especially 14, 224-7.
- Not Available and Not Consulted
- "Morin" in Pierre Costabel and Minette Martinet, Quelques savants et amateurs de science au XVIIe si�cle, (Paris, 1986).
- Compiled by:
- Richard S. Westfall
- Department of History and Philosophy of Science
- Indiana University
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