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Letters of Maria Celeste: 10 November 1629 Most Beloved Lord Father I am extremely sorry to hear of your indisposition, Sire, and all the more so because ordinarily your illnesses tend to be especially troublesome when you catch them here; and I dare to say, if I believed without a doubt that this excursion were that harmful to you, then how quickly would I consent to deprive myself of a sight so dear and desired; but in truth I put the blame on the contrary season. I beseech you to take care of yourself as well as you possibly can. Nothing ever brought my Suor Luisa such great pleasure as seeing you take advantage (although in a small way) of our apothecary; her only fear is that the powder may not attain the excellence she would wish, Sire, for being of service to you. Here are V ounces of it as per your request, and if you find you need more we will be ready to provide it; and since the common practice is to mix it with syrup of citron rind, we are sending some of this, too, so you can see whether you like it: and, if anything else occurs to you, do please let us know. Thank you for the cuttings, and should you perchance be able to spare some more, I will be most happy to have them, and still I will not neglect to send you some small loving tokens for La Porzia. I enclose a little marzipan, for you to enjoy with my love, and I give my best regards to you together with Vincenzio and my Sister-in-law, and indeed I am very sad to hear that she, too, is sick in bed, and if she needs anything that I might be able to provide, I will be only too happy to do it. May Our Lord bless all of you with His holy grace. The 10th day of November 1629. Your most affectionate daughter, |
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