Maria Celeste |
Galileo's Daughter: Letters and Essays
In the spring of 1999, Dava Sobel graciously let my
students in History 333 "Galileo in Context," read an early version of
her book, Galileo's Daughter. She also supplied the class with
her translations of all 124 letters from Maria
Celeste to Galileo. These are the first complete translations of the letters
into English and for those who cannot read the originals in Italian they
represent an important new source for the study of women in early modern
Europe. On the basis of the book and letters, the students worked on projects
about the relationship between Galileo and his daughters and produced
brief essays by way of introduction to the letters (trying not to duplicate
the material in Sobel's book). We hope in the future to be able to link
materials in the letters to the essays and to other pages in The
Galileo Project.
